Glacier Marble

Giallo Siena Marble
December 6, 2018
Golden Emperad Marble
December 6, 2018

Glacier Marble


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Glaciers Beautiful, striking marble has a polished finish. This natural beauty mimics the hues and motion of the glacier, another natural wonder. This slab of exquisite polished marble comes in 3CM thickness. Create gorgeous marble worktops, kitchen islands, accent walls, marble tile floors, and backsplashes out of this lovely natural stone for both commercial and residential buildings where a subdued elegance is needed.

Price – ₹250-350 / Square Feet.

Product Glacier Marble
Slab Sizes 10*6 ft., 8*6 ft., 7*5 ft. Etc. Random Slabs Size Available.
Thickness 18 mm & 20 mm Available Other Customized on Order.
Applications Counter/Vanity Top, Flooring, Cladding, Swimming Pool Areas, Bathroom Walls & Floors, Fireplace Walls, External & Internal Aids In Construction

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