Noche Travertine

November 28, 2018
Perlato Seveo
November 28, 2018

Noche Travertine


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The exquisite medium-to-deep chocolate shade of Noce Travertine pairs well with beige and more vibrant accent colours like beige. The Italian word for walnut is noce. Turkish Noce Travertine is well known throughout the world. Iran possesses numerous Cream, Beige, Chocolate, and Noce Travertine Quarries, despite this. The Noche Travertine gives any external or interior area a rustic appeal reminiscent of the first sunset shadows on a deserted sandy beach.

Price – ₹180-260 / Square Feet.

Product Noche Travertine Marble
Slab Sizes 10*6 ft., 8*6 ft., 7*5 ft. Etc. Random Slabs Size Available.
Thickness 18 mm & 20 mm Available Other Customized on Order.
Applications Counter/Vanity Top, Flooring, Cladding, Swimming Pool Areas, Bathroom Walls & Floors, Fireplace Walls, External & Internal Aids In Construction

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