Persian White

Perlato Seveo
November 28, 2018
November 28, 2018

Persian White


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A type of white marble from northern India is called Persian White Marble. On the stone’s white surface, there are minute black specks and slender, irregular black lines. These lines and dots are widely dispersed throughout the region of the stone. Persian White Marble is appropriate for indoor purposes, such as walls in bathrooms, kitchens, and hallways.

Price – ₹250-350 / Square Feet.

Product Persian White Marble
Slab Sizes 10*6 ft., 8*6 ft., 7*5 ft. Etc. Random Slabs Size Available.
Thickness 18 mm & 20 mm Available Other Customized on Order.
Applications Counter/Vanity Top, Flooring, Cladding, Swimming Pool Areas, Bathroom Walls & Floors, Fireplace Walls, External & Internal Aids In Construction

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