White Thassos Marble

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December 7, 2018
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December 7, 2018

White Thassos Marble


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Pure white marble (also known as dolomite marble) is what makes up Thassos White. One of the purest marbles in existence, it has a crystalline, snowy, and uniform tone. The Greek island of Thassos, home to mermaids and natural pools, served as the model for the name. These days, this oasis is renowned for its residences and fine sand. Due to its transparency and clarity, the Saliara beach is referred to as “the marble beach.”

Price – ₹500-800 / Square Feet.

Product White Thassos Marble
Slab Sizes 10*6 ft., 8*6 ft., 7*5 ft. Etc. Random Slabs Size Available.
Thickness 18 mm & 20 mm Available Other Customized on Order.
Applications Counter/Vanity Top, Flooring, Cladding, Swimming Pool Areas, Bathroom Walls & Floors, Fireplace Walls, External & Internal Aids In Construction

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