Rosso Colomandina Marble

Rosso Pisthelo Marble
December 7, 2018
Rosso Rubino Marble
December 7, 2018

Rosso Colomandina Marble


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An ancient Italian marble called Rosso Collemandina. It is an extremely valuable stone utilised for important constructions. The Rosso Collemandina slabs are distinguished by their rich, exquisite red hue and some clear, gray-white veining. Natural stones continue to be beautiful forever. Rooms are special and have a wonderful, sophisticated vibe thanks to highly prized materials from all over the world. a group of marble, granite, onyx, travertine, and limestone that are tastefully decorated with vibrant or delicate hues and complementary tones.

Price – ₹200-250 / Square Feet.

Product Rosso Colomandina Marble
Slab Sizes 10*6 ft., 8*6 ft., 7*5 ft. Etc. Random Slabs Size Available.
Thickness 18 mm & 20 mm Available Other Customized on Order.
Applications Counter/Vanity Top, Flooring, Cladding, Swimming Pool Areas, Bathroom Walls & Floors, Fireplace Walls, External & Internal Aids In Construction

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